Frequently Asked Questions
Below is a list of frequent questions asked regarding our four-legged friends. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to call our office.
At what age can my puppy or kitten be spayed or neutered and when can kittens be declawed? The youngest we perform a spay or neuter surgery is 4 months of age. Kitten declaws can be performed at 4 months of age.
At what age should my puppy or kitten get their 1st vaccines? The youngest we perform a spay or neuter surgery is 4 months of age. Kitten declaws can be performed at 4 months of age. How often should my puppy come in for vaccinations? After their 1st visit they usually come in every 4 weeks for booster vaccinations until they are 16 weeks old. This time frame can vary according to the size and breed of your puppy. After the puppy vaccines, your pet has an annual wellness examination and boosters for the rest of their lives. |
How often should horses get their teeth floated? Most horses should have their teeth examined once a year and the float schedule can be determined during the examination.
What vaccinations are recommended for horses and how often? We recommend that horses get Sleeping Sickness/Tetanus/Flu/Rhino, a West Nile and Rabies vaccination. If your horse is around other horses or travels, we also recommend a Strangles vaccine. All of these vaccines are given once every year. |